Sports Massage Therapy In London

Generally, a massage therapist carrying out a sports massage will focus on a specific issue or injury – whereas deep tissue massage will work more holistically, alleviating tension and stress throughout your body. The prime purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension, which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Where minor injuries and lesions occur due to overexertion and overuse, massage can help to break them down quickly and effectively. Our sport Physiotherapist who is also personal trainer in London has been working with athletes both professional and amateur and has practice sport massage for many years. Sport and deep tissue massage is important part of his treatment as it helps over coming many sport conditions.

In this case, we will provide clean towels and sheets for you to lie under to protect your modesty, and we will only expose the area that pressure is required. It is well documented that many can benefit from a Sports Massage from regular exercisers to those with physical day to day stresses. He worked on the misbehaving muscle and also worked up into the calf which was also contributing to the issue. I left feeling real relief, strapped and armed with exercises to aid improvement and recovery. At the beginning of each session you are assessed and the treatment is individually tailored accordingly. Each massage session can last from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the body area being addressed and the initial condition.

Results & Benefits Of Sports Massage

That’s why we’ve taken the time to handpick the best sports massage clinics in the London area, so that you can book a treatment that’s close to you. Bodyness is sited a few minutes up Lavender Hill from Clapham Junction. They expertly tailor your experience from a range of massage treatments to suit your individual needs. These techniques, in combination with a clean and relaxing environment, encourage your body to heal itself and restore a feeling of well-being. Whether you're troubled by tiresome aches and pains or stressed out this treatment room has a host of deep tissue, Swedish or Aromatherapy tailored to target your specific concerns. London Health Hub is a message and therapy centre based in the heart of London offering a range of treatments including sports therapy, sports massage, physiotherapy, and more.

He has worked in some of the foremost private clinics and health centres, including physiotherapy clinics, osteopathic clinics and sports injuries centres, which has gained him extensive experience and knowledge. A sports massage not only relieves tension and anxiety, but incorporates a deep tissue massage with soft tissue manipulation. This works deep into the muscles to support healthy muscle growth, improve mobility, ease pain and tension and reduce the risk of injury. Deep tissue massage therapy and sports massage are slightly different.

You could spend a long time looking at the differences between sports massages and deep tissue massages – but Fitness Lab’s client-focused way of working will save you a lot of reading. A sports massage is a hands-on treatment using various massage techniques to address areas of tightness, restriction, and soreness. Sports and Deep tissue massage therapies help to maintain healthy tissues including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue.


However, as they are considered a luxury brand, you can expect to pay a little extra when compared to previous entries on our list. However, that isn’t the only service that is provided by SMSM Therapy, as they also provide some of the best deep tissue massages in London. Well, when delivering a deep muscle tissue, your massage therapist will focus on specific areas as per your consultation by using a variety of techniques to reach the targeted spot. Sports Massage in London As for the sports massage specifically, Marques may use a variety of approaches before, during, and after a sporting event to promote flexibility back into the muscles, an action which in turn encourages muscle recovery. If you’re looking for one of the best sports massages in London, then look no further than the aptly named ‘London Sports Massage’. OBS provides a range of treatments, using modern equipment from waxing to facials and massages.

Despite its name, deep tissue massage can be used to address non-sport-related issues too. Working at a desk can take its toll on the body and deep tissue massage can help release tension from stresses and strains of long sitting hours. Problem areas are addressed with deep pressure application, trigger point, myofascial release. Our mobile massage therapists bring professional sports massage to your home in London. If you are suffering from muscular pain, injury or other discomfort, you can receive the benefits of a sports massage in the comfort of your own home. Deep tissue and sports massage therapy are both treatments which can help the body recover from physical injury.

Who Is Sports Massage For?

Sport massage and deep tissue massage can also help you relieve stress after a long day at work. This treatment uses deep manual therapy techniques of the soft tissue to help the recovery acute and chronic injuries caused by sports and physical exercise. Sports massage is an effective way to release tension, reduce pain and restore smooth, confident and efficient movement in your musculoskeletal system. We only hire massage therapists with at least Level 3 ITEC Diploma in Sports Massage. This is an internationally recognised qualification that educates graduates in the delivery of sports massage, deep tissue massage, and soft tissue healing.

He solved my serious lower back pain in a handful of sessions like magic. Without Emma, I'd be curled up in a ball somewhere with awful back, neck, and shoulder pain not able to stand up straight, turn my head, or lift my arms. She's a total pro approaching her practice wholistically and her treatments bring such sweet relief. • Efficacy of massage on muscle soreness, perceived recovery, physiological restoration and physical performance in male bodybuilders. Reflexology techniques require pressure applied to both the hands and the feet.
